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Pociąg do Muzyki - Bisztyga, Barańska. 25 listopada 2013

WSZYSTKO OD NOWA 25 listopada 2013

1 godzina 18.05-19.00

Daft Punk "Get Lucky"
The Dinosaur Truckers "Let It Roll"
Socalled "You Are Never Alone"
SoundQ "The Rirtual"
Twin Shadow 'Five Seconds"
Szabrański "Friends of Nightwalks"
Już nie żyjesz "Blask"
Man Man "Loot My Body"
The Dinosaur Truckers "Halfway Through"

2 godzina 19.05- 20.00

When Saints Go Machine "Iodine"
Arcade Fire "Here Comes The Night Time"
Wu Tang Clan "I Need a Dolar"
Dinosaur Truckers "Box Of Memories"
Ben Caplan "Rest Your Head"
Naive New Beaters "Live Good"
Dub Inc. "Only Love"
Pablopavo i Ludziki "Dajcie mi spokój"
Fonovel "Dreamer"
Hercules & Love Affair feat. Antony Hagarty "Blind"

3 godzina 20.05- 21.00

Parov Stelar "Invisible Girl"
Vladimirska "Hala Targowa Circus Theme"
The Dinosaur Truckers "Black Ship"
Rainbirds "Two Faces"
Rainbirds "Blueprint"
Bad Religion "What Child Is This?"
Smiths & Burrows "When Thames Froze"
The Notwist "Pick Up The Phone"
Señor Coconut "The Robots"
Willy Moon "Railroad Track"

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